Friday, September 27, 2013


Me after mid-terms
There's so much going on here at Casa By Night that the entire month of September has passed me by and I haven't had a chance to write about, much less watch any, TV movies... Sad face. OK, that's kind of a lie, but more on that later.

Luckily, there are lots of outlets to share your TV movie love. Here are some links to the awesomeness that is upon us:

Cinefile, which is a totally cool video store in Los Angeles, is hosting what they call Made for TV Mondays. They are screening some of the best, weirdest and most memorable made for TV films of all time. And it's free! Check out their Facebook page and join the party!

Also, Exhumed Films and Cinedelphia have teamed up for an incredible made for TV movie festival from October 9th - 13th! I so wished I lived closer to Philly. Their lineup is absolutely drool worthy. If you go to Tele-Terror Fest 2013 you simply have to report back. Please, let me live through you!

And thank you Cinema du Meep for sending the Tele-Terror info my way! 

The Maestro
So you know that part, about seven or eight sentences before this one, where I said I wasn't watching any TV movies? Not true. I've been live-tweeting the Perry Mason movies that Me-TV has been airing every Friday. So far, it's a live tweet party of one, but I'm having fun. Next week is the 1968 Columbo pilot Prescription: Murder, so join me at 8 PM EST for all the fun!

And finally, I was super duper happy to see that the great Marc Edward Heuck, the man behind the incredible The Projector Has Been Drinking picked me for a blogger honor called The Sunshine Award. I am supposed to fill out a questionnaire and spread the blog love, but I haven't had one second to sit down and finish my post, so I just want to send you over to the Projector for the time being. Good times will be had.

Hopefully things will calm down soon and I can post something meatier for you retro TV nuts. For now, just stop by my life tweets or come by the facebook page. See you soon!