Haven't had as much time to write about television movies as I would like, but I have a few fun things floating around the net if you'd be so inclined to check out...
Over at Retro Slashers I have done a review of the awesome Shot on Video slasher Boardinghouse. Truly the 80s at it's finest! I also did an accompanying Image Gallery.

And I finally did a new review at Horror Yearbook for my Not So Basic Instincts column. This time I bid adieu to the Night Eyes series with the final film, Night Eyes 4: Fatal Passion. It wasn't nearly as bad as I was hoping but more entertaining then I could have ever wished for.
And finally, if you see a copy of a new magazine called Fantastique please pick it up. The article I wrote (a review of Dead of Night) didn't make the cut, but you may notice I got a nice Copy Editor credit! I did help them out on that end, and it's my first credit as a Copy Editor and makes me feel all big and stuff. I will have small piece in Issue #2, which I believe is due out any day now. You'll see some made for television love in the Nerds of the Roundtable article! Enjoy!
We LOVE the "Night Eyes" movies here at Tower Farm. Years ago I got my brother a huge poster of "Night Eyes 2" that I wish to God we still had. Oh, well...90s sex thrillers are the best.
WTF is that thing in the shower cap? If I had kids, I'd make them dolls that looked like that.
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