Tonight is the night, gang! I am soooooo excited for the new Dallas, I can't even begin to form the right words. But check this out: I don't have cable. Since I went back to school I learned the hard way that cable is a luxury. This makes me sad, but I know the new Dallas will eventually show up on my doorstep (hopefully via Hulu or iTunes).
However, my sadness will surely turn to gladness if you lucky cable subscribers would email me your thoughts on the show. It's easy: Email me at amanda@madefortvmayhem.com and let me know what you think of the new millennium's most dysfunctional family.
Your reviews can be big or small, positive or negative (although any unfavorable positions should be worded without the normal vitriol that is reserved for other sites/blogs), just be honest and please let me know what you liked or disliked, not just that you thought it was good/bad, por favor. I will cobble together the best parts and create a community driven review. And I will link to your site if you like, so please forward your url along with your thoughts.
I will live vicariously through you, and honestly, if I can't be there myself this is the best way I can think of to enjoy Dallas 2012!
(ad courtesy of Vintage Toledo TV)

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